Nearby Mold Remediation Experts in Your Area

National Bio-Safe Highly-Rated professional mold remediation experts near you. We deliver best Water Damage Repair, mold remediation and fire damage restoration 24/7 services ! We use TM-100, a natural, non-toxic enzyme for Mold Remediation mold identify the problem and deliver the solution.

Licensed Mold Remediation Experts

Mold Remediation

Bio-Safe goal is to make the residence properties safe from toxic mold spores  and to preserve the value of the asset investment and best Mold Remediation In Florida.

Environmental Solutions

National Bio-Safe is the leader in environmental solutions remediation for homes and buildings.

Fire Solutions

Bio-Safe understands when your home or business is affected by fire, smoke and water damage. Protecting personal property and valued business assets is our environment for Fire Solutions.

24 Hour Water Restoration

Bio-Safe is now offering its acclaimed flood response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for WATER RESTORATION. Professional Flood Teams will be on call to accommodate any size flood any time, any day.